Spruce Lodge Activities
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You are never too old to learn a new skill
Members of Resident Council help to shape our monthly program calendar by making suggestions and requests for outings, entertainment and special events. The council meets in our chapel at a minimum 6 times annually. For more information on the role of Residents Councils in Ontario please visit their website. http://www.ontarc.com
The activity calendar is posted on the resident communication board located at the entrance of each living area and delivered to each resident at the beginning of the month. This calendar highlights entertainment & special events, small group, one on one, therapies, spiritual care and music therapy programming. The activities for the day along with resident birthdays and weather forecast are highlighted daily during the morning announcements.
The following are examples of programs that occur monthly:
Art Programs
We have an extensive art program that runs weekly in our Alcove. This program provides an opportunity for residents to re-visit a hobby or skill and for many it is an opportunity to learn a new skill or recognize a talent that they didn’t know they had. Blank cards are available at our Spruce café for purchase featuring residents artwork. Resident artwork is showcased in many of our living areas.
Gardening Programs
Gardening programs run throughout the year. Residents are involved in maintaining the vegetable garden, rhubarb patch and hanging baskets in our central courtyard. During the winter months small gardening programs occur in the alcove or at the bedside. During these programs residents assist in planting bulbs and maintaining the variety of indoor plants.
Spruce Pub & Cafe
The Spruce Pub & Café is open most days for residents to enjoy a beverage with friends and family.
Friendly Visits
Meaningful interactions and quality moments with residents occur during a variety of one on one resident programs including: Gentle Touch, Montessori cart, Friendly Visits and Labyrinth walks.
Resident Outings
Resident outings are planned monthly to ensure that people living at the lodge have the opportunity to maintain connections and ties to their community and surrounding area. We plan a monthly shopping trip, outings to local restaurants and attractions as well as country drives, fall leaves, Christmas lights and ice cream tours. (photos)
Special Events & Entertainment
Special events and entertainment occur monthly and often showcase local musicians. Family members are encourage to come and enjoy these events with their loved one.