Palliative Care
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Often we are not able to cure, but we are always able to care
-Fr. Henri Nouwen
At Spruce Lodge, we believe that end of life care is as important as any other care provided. We recognize that Palliative Care includes assisting the dying person in their journey by addressing not only their medical and physical needs, but also honouring their spiritual, emotional and familial needs as well.
It is impossible to totally prepare for death. However, the end of life can be a very special time of love and memories for family and friends who have shared in the journey of life with the resident. Although individuals may feel daunted by death, our staff are well experienced in the process and will provide individualized end of life care.
With our multidisciplinary care structure, our staff work with families to minimize pain and maximize comfort. This involves the following:
- Medical management of pain and comfort levels supportive of both the resident’s and the family’s requirements.
- Ongoing communication with designated family members as to health status.
- Spiritual support through the resident’s faith community, rituals and pastoral visits.
- Providing available written material, music and conversations on grief and the process of dying.
- When an individual is deemed to require palliative care, a butterfly logo is placed on their door.
- We have a special quilt to honour the deceased as they leave Spruce Lodge, and a singing bowl rings to gather staff and residents to form an honour guard at the front door.
We would like to thank you for taking care of our Mother. Your love for her was so evident in her last days. We could not have asked for better staff.
- the family of W. Ridley
Quiet Room
We aim to provide a quiet, uninterrupted, comfortable environment for the resident and family members during this important life passage. Our Quiet Room, located between the North and East Wings, is a private room for resident and family to spend time together in a restful and homelike atmosphere. This context allows family members to comfortably stay overnight with their loved one.
Memorial Board and Services
We display photos and stories of individuals after they die on our memorial board; the board has a light to shine on the photo/ story in order to remind us of the light which these people gave to the world.
We hold Memorial Services in order that family, staff and residents may gather together to honour and remember those whose lives have touched ours during our time together at Spruce Lodge.
You matter because you are you, and you matter to the last minute of your life
- Dame Cicely Saunders